Client: NCAA
Agency: SS+K
Category: Education, Non-Profit
Challenge + Solution: I have worked on three different campaigns for the NCAA, all with similar messaging but each in need of their own look/feel. The big challenge every year was making sure we had a diverse cast that was non-union, knew how to play basketball but didn’t play for their school. The locations needed to represent a cross-section of America, but the budget could only afford one city. This meant we were in Los Angeles for each shoot, which worked to our advantage for casting but a disadvantage for locations. After so many years of shooting in LA, the client had already shot at most of the unique “American” locations that fit their budget. Even though we used different Directors/Production companies for each campaign, we asked them to use the same location scout and casting director we used the years before. By keeping this continuity, the team knew the brand well and was always able to present new options. This helped gain the client’s trust, which made for smoother productions.

Agency: Huge
Category: Financial Services, Consumer Banking, Technology